Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The History Of Fox Hunting

Fox Hunting has always been seen as a British activity during which highly trained dogs, as well as human hunters on horseback, pursue the red fox. Animal rights activists find the ‘blood sport’ to be barbaric. However, its participants and proponents see it to be a traditional equestrian sport, as well as an important aspect of England’s aristocratic history. In fact, even though it does take place in several countries, its roots can be traced to the British.

Known as venery, the use of scent hounds to track prey dates way back to Assyrian, Babylonian, and also ancient Egyptian times. But, it was in England, using the Agassaei breed of dog, that fox hunting was really popular, taking place before the Romans even arrived.

Later, the Romans brought over the Castorian and Fulpine breed of hounds, as well as the brown hare and several species of deer to use as quarry. Wild boar was also known as a hunted animal.

Norman hunting traditions began when William the Conqueror arrived, using Gascon and Talbot hounds. In fact, the cry of ‘tally ho’ is the Norman equivalent to the French ‘il est haut,’ meaning he is up.

1534 marks the first known attempt at fox hunting, taking place in Norfolk, England. There, farmers used their dogs to chase foxes as a way of pest control.

It wasn’t until the 17 th century that organized pack began to hunt hare and fox, while it those used specifically for the sport of fox hunting weren’t used until the 18th century.

The Industrial Revolution saw people moving out of the country, instead settling in towns and cities where they could find work. Even though roads, rails, and canals split up the hunting land, it made it more accessible to people who wanted to hunt. Also, the improvement of shotguns during the 19 th century allowed for game shooting to gain popularity.

Even though it is viewed as a usually typical rural British sport, hunting using hounds does take place all over. Those hunts in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, and also India are considered to be, to some extent, a British Empire legacy. However, some do claim that the first pack that was used solely for fox hunting was in the United States.

Other countries, influenced by the Greek and Romans, also have a tradition of fox hunting using hounds. For example, both France and Italy still have fox hunts. But, in countries such as Switzerland and Germany, fox hunting has been outlawed.

As of 2004, 170 registered packs found in the United States and Canada were included by the Masters of Foxhounds Association of America, as well as many more farmer, or non-recognized, packs.

When fox hunting is done in the United States, the pursued fox is often not caught. In fact, they are trained so they aren’t caught during the fox hunt.

During the late summer, young hounds are taken on hunts called “cubbing,” during which puppies are taught to hunts while the young foxes are taught to give chase. The proper season usually begins in early November.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The most Scary animals you will not like to meet during adventure time.

   It becomes very difficult sometime to see some kind of creatures without being scared. You may not discover new things only when you take the time to go out for an adventure.  If I may ask, what are the kind of things that when you see causes you to become very scared. Imagine that you decide one day to take the most awesome decision by maybe taking a tour in the Forest all alone.  It is certain that you may meet some kind of creatures on the face of the earth that may be very dangerous and scary.  If you find yourself in this position what will you do, will you run away or start a prayer topic for God to help you. It really become very amazing when you discover that it is that kind of creature you have never seen before and when you use that advantage to find out more about that particular creature,  you will get to find some characteristics about it that may change your world.  Many of such kind of Animals have disappear from the faces of the earth,  that is why scientists are constantly doing their best to prevent that from happening.  This will help generations to come to also experience their own life adventure. Some of these Animals are;


This kind of creature especially when seen for the first time can make you scared and may even run away. It scientific name is centurio senex.  What makes this animals very beautiful is the array of contours around their faces. It is characterized by no tail,  folds and flaps of skin around their faces,  naked folds around their noses, have 28 teeth and colored fur ranging from gray to brown. They have a very short skull which is wide.


This is a sea creature that need water for survival.  This is because they have features that enables them to survive there like gills which is very useful to absorb dissolved Oxygen in water. Imagine you in a very big sea for an adventure.  You will likely meet different kinds of creatures especially shark. It becomes very scary when you think of a shark approaching you.  I may not know the kind of methods you will use to escape from its attacks,  whether you will disappear or jumps it all depends on you.
Sharks may sometimes be referred to as the king of the sea because it is the most dangerous sea creatures that live on flesh of other fishes in the sea
They are characterized by Powerful teeth embedded in the gums rather than direct affixed to the jaw and constantly replaced throughout life and some may lose 30000 or even more during their lifetime.  Their Jaw bones are made of tiny hexagonal plates called tesserae. These features give them strength they use to chew and crush their prays without no mercy.  They also have an elongated fin skeleton supported by a ceratotrichia filament of elastic protein resembling a horny keratin in hair and feathers.  This gives them high speed to run after their prays.  I wonder how you will escape from their trap.


This kind especially when seen for the first time can make you scared during adventure time. It is a blind and hairless mole rat that live in large colony underground. Their colonial structure is similar to that of a social insects.  Their colony is made of
The Queen, their breeding machine of young individual
The workers dig the burrows using their teeth and snouts. They gather the food and performs every work duty.
The males are the ones that makes the queen feel good. They can live below sea level or on high mountain top.
These animals have tiny eyes located within their skin and fur, and because they can't see they rely on their sensitive hair to feel their way to go underground. These creatures are very fantastic in their skin and can make you scared.


When seen in the night, their eyes are shinning. They looks like German Shepard with varying sizes. They have a very long and sharp canine for tearing and killing their prays.  They mostly live at tundra to woodland , forest , grasslands and deserts.  Very interesting animals. Though they may look very scary when seen in the Forest,  Humans usually rare them from baby till grown up. What makes them very beautiful is their fury body and their beautiful eyes.


This can be very poisonous and dangerous and can be very scary especially to those who are not use to, with this kind of Animals.  They are the largest snakes found in Canada,  with a length of about 256.5cm (8ft5in). These can coil round it pray tightening it hence sofocating it until they no longer draw breath and die . It live on frogs, Lizard,  and also Squirrel. When going out for adventure time and find this creature, be aware of it poisonous secreting glad . If not careful you will be disappointed and even fill discouraged on your next adventure trip .


This type has a scientific name Dauber  Madgasarienis. What is amazing about the animal is it large bulb of eyes.  It is not only one of the  largest nocturnal primary animal in the world but also unique and very strange in appearance., that it looks like squirrels.
This species possess a number of distinct adaptation. Their body and long tail are covered in coarse shaggy black or dark brown fur, a layer of white guard hairs and the most important of  all is it very large eye bulb on it pointed face . This AYE AYE mostly live in tree top and comes down occasionally.
You have to also be aware that it is omnivorous and feed on both plants and other Animals.
Have you ever seen this animal before , those who have seen are very scared of it. They believe that seeing this animal is a sort of bad luck and some say when an aye aye points it finger on you , you or someone in your family will die. Hey please don't be scared,  it is an adventure.

Thank you for going for this adventure with me by reading my article.  Subscribe to my atoms for more adventure.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What is an adventure

 An adventure is an unusually exciting,  typically hazardous experience or activity.
Taking an adventure means readiness to face an unusual moment in life . Many people are moved by what they see and want to follow what others do. In case of doing so , they turn to stumble along the lines without getting new experience.

Adventure does not only focus on one phenomenon but embodies every aspects in life not just the most scary places but also the most difficult decisions taken by someone
 Adventure taken by someone has now become the fashion of the day. Imagine some one decided to tear parts of his gene trouser and start roaming the street and call it destroy. At first it became funny and as time went on it became the fashion of the season.
Adventure could be trying something different from what you have experienced or have been doing. It could be something that you have never seen or never done that could be exciting,  scary or hazardous.

The early man were in their own part taking their own adventure in the Forest with wild animals and eat raw food and Flesh. They were very scared and surprised when they saw sparks coming out from the collision of two rocks. These become their latest discoveries at that time.  This brought tremendous change to their diet and also their way of thinking.

People  usually use scary environment so as to create powerful scary and exciting movies. Some of these places are usually modified by computers which changes the scene to make it more fearful . These make it suitable with the type of movies they want to produce

Adventure has let to the discovery of some different types of animals. It has made great scientists to be able to study their different characteristics about these animals. Some of this animals are very poisonous like serpent,  scorpion and many others,  meanwhile others are very wild and dangerous. Man has been able to help preserve some of the species of animals for the future generations to see. Products of animals could be use for food, clothing and medicine.

Adventure has given way for microorganisms discovery. Scientists have been able to study these microorganisms and have determined which one is harmful to humans and have also been able to provide precise treatment.  These has now let to a whole lots of study and a branch of study in education.
The earth was just the way we see with no knowledge of the shape on how it looks like. But with the help of researchers who decided to take this risk of developing machines that they have used to fly above the sky. This has led to the discovery of new planets, Galaxies and many other things.  It has also let to the production of space ship and airplane and the easy travel of individuals from one locations to the other.
Adventure could be the act of taking risk to do a particular thing. Imagine someone decides to leave the home during hash climate like winter periods and decides to go Climbing some very steep slope or walk by foot via some very dangerous environment. It is very dangerous and scary but it is an adventure.  This man could become frozen or being swallow by ice or better still eaten by wild animals . This kind is usually practice by military who undergoes training because during war time he is likely to meet this kind of places.

Sporting company have now arise which setup some kind of difficult obstacles and later put volunteer who when they cross those obstacles they become the winning team

Have you ever experienced or go to an adventure , some people take nasty decisions by performing something different maybe what they eat, play, wear or do becomes completely different from what they know or have ever seen in the name of an adventure.
You may use your thinking to help bring some kind of ideas in which you benefits by discovering something new after maybe your first or second adventure.
Bill Gates made his own adventure when he decided to leave school and went ahead working on computers,  putting combinations of codes together and testing it and now has discovered the universe of computer world.
Never try to to Copy and paste but try to do your own adventure but be mindful of the type of adventure you take for some can cost your life. When it comes to adventure people turn to do the unexpected and just decides to bear the risk.
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