Have you ever heard of the word Sport adventure? Normally there are so many different kinds of sports, some are soft, hard and while others are extreme. It all depends on how you decide to name it.
Sport has been one of the primary source that has given birth to good health, change some people's mode of behavior and have help to unite the society in general


There is something known as extreme sport which is a popular term for certain activities perceived at having a high level of inherent danger. These activities often involve High risk taking with High speed, height and high level of physical exertion and highly specialized gear. Some of this kind of sports are Rock Climbing, Driving High speed sport Cars in the name of competition, Spending more time climbing very tall trees, running on high mountain without resting.
These kind of activities can lead to good Health as well as fracture bone and can also help you Financially during different competitions.


Many in the society today have abandon sport and rather involved themselves in other activities like sleeping too much, never trekking even for a very short distance, spent time only on work, don't even border to go for vacation and have some fun, They hardly play, laugh or being excited, It is either they are board, angry or very stressful. All these categories, have developed wings for
various infectious diseases that even worsen the situation of not doing sport.
As time proceed, You start suffering from depression, lung cancer, Kidney Stone, Psychological distress, emotional disturbances, anxiety, Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even Hypertension.
Before you know it, all the money you taught you will be working is being spent for the sickness. The Doctors and Nurses becomes more richer, and the wise ones will start perusing careers to become medical doctors.
The number of people developing Obesity is now in an increasing rate due to lack of sport.
You may some times ask yourselves these questions that why is it that I am very intelligent, yet I forget more often more especially you finds it very difficult to pass your exams in school. This is because the cells in your Brain are not functioning properly due to lack of enough nutrients and more especially, very low amount of blood flows in that area of the brain.
Many now dislike themselves due to their sizes, they can not even pass via the door of their house unless they force their way through. Some women's stommy has fallen apart so much so that they either buy tight fitting dresses that tight their stommy which is even very worse as it prevent the normal flow of blood to the system, or other wise they take the adventure by themselves by going to the Doctor to cut down that overlapping potion of the stommy or other parts of the body that show up some funny features. They mostly do this in the name of beauty, and this may lead to side effect.
Though the men are happy that I have sighted the case for women, they should be ready to see what happens to them also.
It has normally been a fake culture for some people  who think that, when you see a man who has big projecting stommy, then that man has money. It has gone to the extern in some countries that some feel pride in having huge tommy, not knowing that most of this is as a result of high accumulation of dirty fat due to lack of exercise which is easily burnt down during exercise. These kind of men who do not do sport are very Lazy and some times develop some king of uncommon sickness like Kidney stone , diabetes, Lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, just to name a few.
Right from Childhood, Children are encourage to eat foods that contain all the vitamins for the proper developments of their bones and brain, but also sport is highly recommended for good health. A child who don't do sport at all is more likely to be very weak, lazy, and will have low development of the brain. Some of them even become isolated from other friends and hardly have ideas to share. When they now become expose to some ideas that could even be harmful may be from one of their friends, they now copy that bad ideas and their future is ruin


Physical exercise don't just give you good health but brings happiness as a whole to yourself with limited risk of being infected by diseases. When you do sport, what happens is that, it stimulate your body cells especially those of the heart causing it to pump blood that contain essential nutrients and oxygen all over the body.  These will help other cells to obtain energy for proper growth and development. It helps your body to become more active enhance with proper reasoning and critical thinking. Sport has help to reduce depression, and most importantly Cardiovascular diseases. Did you know that you can stay all your life without being suffering from some kind of uncommon disease when you do sport regularly, when we talk of adventure port, it must not necessarily be dangerous or risky sport but any sport that can make you feel more ok depending on your medical condition.

  1. I have seen women running race while pregnant, some even climb rocks. It is very risky because she could fall by her stommy and loose her baby but it is an adventure. These also gives her strength to push during Child birth and the baby comes out in good conditions well developed. Even the woman feel relax and ok after putting to birth.
Please don't do the same or coppy and paste but try your own sport may by walking for some distance a day during pregnancy. It is very vital to do sport during that period. Some women even loose their baby during pregnancy  because they were very week , did not do sport at all and certain malfunctioning occurred .
Most of the people that do sport have longer life span due to the fact that their immune system has automatically developed various strategies to fight against infectious diseases.

I generally encourage every one to take a chance and look after sporting activities, it is a way of giving yourself a better tomorrow with good health and stay connected for more articles concerning Sport adventure.


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